Spiritual Life
Our union with the ever-present loving God finds its expression in our apostolate, in the fundamental availability of each sister for God and for fellowmen and women within and outside the Community.
We want to realize our common mission of living and serving as people of hope, faith and love. The special dedication of our Society to the Sacred Heart of Jesus means we allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit of Christ in our being and doing. In order that His Spirit continually renew our life and our work, we seek and cherish a living union with Him in prayer, meditation, and contemplation through the Holy Eucharist, the Sacraments, Holy Scriptures, Silence, Reflection, dialogue and sharing of experiences with one another. From all these, we gather strength and guidance for our life and work. Our form of life, prayer and services permeate mutually and form a unity.
Our apostolate is inspired and carried by a community life that we appreciate and cherish as a human and Christian value. In our seraphic work of love for the endangered children, youth and families, we carry in our hearts the trademark of love “Familia”, which is a symbol of God’s Trinitarian presence and love.